Appearance and properties: Colorless transparent liquid with an aromatic odor.
Melting point (℃): -96.7
Boiling point (℃): 39.8
Relative density (water=1): 1.33
Relative vapor density (air=1): 2.93
Saturated vapor pressure (kPa): 30.55 (10 ℃)
Combustion heat (kJ/mol): 604.9
Critical temperature (℃): 237
Critical pressure (MPa): 6.08
Logarithmic value of octanol/water partition coefficient: 1.25
Ignition temperature (℃): 615
Upper explosion limit% (V/V): 19
Lower explosive limit% (V/V): 12
Solubility: Slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethanol and ether.